See It: Cybertruck Torn Open In Low Speed Fender Bender

The Tesla Cybertruck’s stainless steel body can take a swing from a baseball bat without denting, but a love tap with another car is a different matter.
A Cybertruck owner in Texas has posted images of the aftermath of a small fender bender he had in is pickup.
The owner, who didn’t share identifying details, said he was in a right-turn only lane waiting to make the turn behind another vehicle when he accidentally drove into the back of it.
“While I was watching for the merging traffic, I crept up too much & hit the other car on its rear driver-side tail light (I have photos of the other car, but didn’t upload that. I really dunno what & how much I can & cannot share without getting into trouble), crushing it up to the panel just before the wheel well,” he explained.
He said it was the “slowest collision” and there were no injuries. There also appears to be a crack in the corner of the windshield, but the owner did not mention it.
The Cybertruck’s unusual design leaves a vertical seam between the side panel and the front fascia, and the edge is sharp enough to cut skin, as one reporter found out during one of the first Cybertruck test drives.
Based on its gross vehicle weight rating and bed length, the Cybertruck is classified as a Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicle and does not have to be built to the same crash safety regulations as a light duty model or to display an efficiency rating on its window sticker.
The owner of the wrecked truck said he only had it for two weeks before the incident.