About Us

American Cars and Racing is exactly what its name implies. We aim to bring you the latest on automobiles built by American brands and made in the USA by foreign automakers, plus news and features from across the American racing, custom, collector and car culture scenes.
What we’re not doing is making a statement. We love cars and racing from around the world. We’re just focusing on an area of interest, the way Import Tuner, Hot Rod and Modern Dog do. Besides, there will be exceptions when deemed appropriate.
Most important of all: we’re here to have fun. Along with the FACTS you can expect plenty of opinion and nonsensical speculation. We trust you’ll be able to tell the difference.
Executive Editor Gary Gastelu created the FoxNews.com automotive section and brings his 15 years of experience to this exciting new project, which is a work in progress that will be expanding with new video franchises and podcasts in the coming months.
We hope you come along for the ride!
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AmericanCarsAndRacing.com is owned and operated by ACAR Media, a New York-registered company